Operating System

Supporting the selfdriven Framework, Apps & Communities



A society / community is a function of us and we need to give young people opportunities to authentically facilitate a community.
A learning community is a great place to put this into practice, i.e. governance, improving the environment, provision of food, clothing, caring for others etc.
We believe that people (learners) with the following attributes, are good members of a modern society / community:


Can make a decision.


As it relates to self and others.

Importance of the collective.


An operating system to support self-driven learning.

The foundation:

Capturing all of a learner's activity and growth

Supporting self-driven learning

Connects learners with their learning-partners.


We are delivering on the following three key outcomes.


Capture all Learning Activity

Capture all learning activity, including experience-based learning.

More Relevant Measurements of Growth

Measure what is best aligned with the learner i.e. growth and specific skills based on next steps.

Build a Trusted Source for Learning-Partners

Create a trusted source of information for learners and their learning-partners.

Reward Contributions / Caring

Use tokens to recognise contributions to self-learning and community.

Improvement Cycle

Observe, analyse, implement, review and reflect.

Project Based Learning

Manage projects and tasks in conjuction with the improvement cycle.

Visualise Growth

Visual representation of learner growth based on core attributes i.e. focus, grit.

Capture Reflections

Capture reflections by self and learning-partners.


Periodically create a check-in and review with learning-partners.


Directly and indirectly capture information to measure well-being.

Achievements / Skills

Capture achievements, that can be linked to known skills and shared on the blockchain.

Next Steps

Capture plans for next learning.


Help with on-boarding your learning community.


Step by step guides to get you up and running.


Talk to us about how you can use selfdriven within your learning enviroment.